Channel: Nancy SM Waldman
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Up and Coming!

Cover by Holly Heisey, http://hollyheiseydesign.com

Cover by Holly Heisey, http://hollyheiseydesign.com

Fellow SFF writers SL Huang and Kurt Hunt have graciously taken on the task of compiling stories from all those writers eligible for the John W. Campbell award for new writers, including me in my first year of eligibility!

From SL Huang’s website:

I’m happy to announce that fellow SFF author Kurt Hunt and I will be building a Campbell anthology this year!

The original CAMPBELLIAN ANTHOLOGY is the brainchild of author M. David Blake, and he’s put a monumental amount of effort into making it happen in prior years. Since he decided not to make one this year due to slate voting as he explains here, we asked his blessing to step up and build a similar book for 2016. We expect to be the curators of such an anthology for this year only.

What is a Campbell anthology? It is an anthology open to any writers eligible for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. The intent is to familiarize voters and readers with new writers in the SFF field. This anthology will be offered for download, for free, for a very limited time only (only until the nomination period closes on March 31), with an aimed release in early March. This anthology is not affiliated with any of the people who administer the Campbell Award or the Hugos; it is purely a community effort.

Thanks to Lisa and Kurt and to Holly Heisey for the lovely cover.

And…I can’t begin to count the ways that having my stories alongside all these wonderful writers in a collection titled “Up and Coming” has made me happy!

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